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At, we're excited to help you leverage your app's capabilities to streamline your equity distribution. Reach out to us to learn more about customizing these powerful integrations for your business.

Our team is here to provide personalized support and answer any questions you may have. Let's work together to achieve your business goals with seamless integrations"

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How do you inspire people to do their best work?
An initiative to solve problems
By giving them a piece of the dream. When team members see their work as ownership, not just a task, they're driven to exceed expectations. Imagine a workplace where everyone feels like a co-founder, deeply invested in every success and challenge.
With Upstock, you're not just offering equity; you're igniting passion, dedication, and unparalleled commitment.
More than a Stake
Ownership is more than just a stake in the company; it's a mindset that empowers people to take charge and feel invested in their roles. When employees identify with their work, they naturally want to enhance it.
"What we identify with,
we want to improve."
"What we own,
we identify with.

Equity, Simplified
Success, Multiplied.

With Upstock, immerse in a culture where employees think like owners, offer innovative solutions, and actively tackle challenges. Boost engagement, innovation, and growth like never before.

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The Ultimate Equity
Management System
Upstock is revolutionizing the way equity management is perceived, making it simple, accessible, and empowering for every team member, ensuring they share in the success they contribute to.
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With transparent equity tracking and real-time insights, Upstock inspires collaboration, accountability, and a deep sense of ownership, driving personal and professional growth like never before.
Easy to understand

No complex jargon, just straightforward solutions. We keep it easy and simple!

Visualize Your Equity

Upstock's intuitive dashboard and mobile app provide real-time insights into your equity.

Motivational Dashboards

Our motivational dashboard brings your equity's growth and value to life.

The Power Of Ownership

Upstock's Equity System is designed to instill an Ownership Mindset, which serves as the secret ingredient behind successful businesses, driving exceptional results and aligning teams with the company's long-term vision.
The power of identity
Upstock's Equity System helps your team view your company's success as a personal mission. What they own becomes part of their identity, fueling a deep commitment to excellence.
Long-term alignment
Say goodbye to the time-for-money mindset. Our system aligns your team with your company's long-term success, creating exponential growth fueled by intrinsic motivation.
What we own, we identify with. And what we identify with,we naturally want to improve. - Casey Fenton.
It's not just about showing up and completing tasks; it's about wholeheartedly investing oneself in the company's growth.

The Magic of Positive identification

Ownership mentality is crucial in building and maintaining a positive company culture. It encourages team members to take initiative, show dedication, and go the extra mile, leading to higher levels of productivity and performance.

Affordable and Customizable
Equity Plans

Upstock provides plans that fits your team's needs
Upstock empowers companies to reward and retain top talent by offering meaningful equity.
By creating a sense of ownership, Upstock inspires workers to think long-term and contribute to the company's success.
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per worker per month

Try it out on your own or with your team.

All access to Upstock
Simulate Equity Scenario
Track Equity and Cash
All Tools and Analytics
Pre & Post Inc. Solutions
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No Legally-Binding Agreements
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Full Access
per worker per month

Get full access to Upstock's features. Includes everything in the demo:

Unlimited Customer Support
Legally-Binding Agreements
(Contact your advisor)
The Plan Document
The Award Agreement
(Employee, Contractor, Advisor, etc.)
Digitally Sign Documents
Customized Document Terms
Real-Time Equity Management
Mobile App + Dashboard
icon Pricing Card
Contact us for more details

Try it out on your own or with your team.

Customer Support in 24 hours
Priority Onboarding
Your own Legal Documents
Custom Logo
Pre & Post Inc. Solutions
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What our clients and supporters say

Join the ranks of visionary CEOs and companies who've transformed their equity distribution, fostering a culture of true ownership and alignment. Want to let us know how we're doing? Let us know below!

Leave a review

Mike Mayer

CEO of Main Event Digital

"It has made my company employee-owned and has incentivized my team to stay engaged and motivated."

AJ Goldstein

CEO of Aware Healthcare

"Upstock is pioneering a new way to motivate employees with aligned incentives. There's nothing else like it out there on the market."

Rett Kearbey

CEO of Sholder

“We’ve spent one-third of what it might have cost to get where we are, and best of all, our team has developed a strong passion."

Justin Gordon

CEO of &

"I saved $1.5 million cash by paying workers with Upstock equity."

Vinit Patel


“Upstock makes my workers feel like part of a team.”

Ciaran Carrol

CEO of Tuvens

“Without this great product, there’s no way I could’ve grown our team to 25 contributors with top talent from Amazon, Sutter Health, Inspire Health, and IBM Watson."

World-class equity plans for global teams
Upstock empowers companies to offer top-shelf and high-quality equity plans to workers and team members in 75+ countries around the world.
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Unlock the Secret Sauce of Success with Upstock

Discover the secret ingredient behind thriving businesses. With Upstock, every team member shares in the success they help create.

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your commonly asked topics

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Equity?

Equity means you own a piece of the company. When the company succeeds, your share becomes more valuable.

How does equity benefit me?

When you have equity, you share in the company's success. Your equity can become more valuable, and you might get a piece of the profits.

How can I get equity?

Your company can reward you with equity for your hard work. It's like a bonus, but instead of cash, you get a share in the company.

How does Upstock handle Global Equity Distribution?

Upstock operates in 75+ countries, simplifying the process of issuing equity to employees worldwide.

What are the cost advantages of using Upstock?

Upstock significantly reduces equity management costs, often up to 10 times less than alternatives like legal services or other platforms.

How can Upstock improve workforce motivation and retention?

Upstock can triple retention rates, ensuring your key employees stay motivated and committed.

Have more questions? Explore our comprehensive Help Center for in-depth answers and resources. We're here to assist you every step of the way. Visit our Help Center now or send us an email.