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What is Upstock?

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Upstock Intro Document
Upstock Intro Doc
Upstock overview deck
Upstock Overview Deck
An in-depth look at why Upstock was created & how we leverage RSUs to increase worker engagement.

Why Upstock?

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Why choose upstock for your companies RSUs
The Difference Between RSUs, Stock Options and RSAs

Setting up your Upstock Account
Fixed Equity

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Upstock's deck overview
Onboarding materials for teams using Fixed Equity
Ready to redefine equity in your company?
Start Your Journey with Upstock Today!

Learn more about our affordable pricing plans and we'll help you create a customized and motivating structure for you and your team.

World-class equity plans for global teams
Upstock empowers companies to offer top-shelf and high-quality equity plans to workers and team members in 75+ countries around the world.
Vectors wrapper
Vectors wrapper
Vectors wrapper
Vectors wrapper
and many more...
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